Inpirational Squad

These are the good guys. They always obey orders and they always support my ideas. They are always in sync and they love making a lot of weird sound.


The Volca palette.

The bad guys, on the other hand, are ‘the Lack of Time’, ‘the Need for Sleep’ and worst of all ‘the Risk of Just Fooling Around’.

Interaction time

Finally! Time to put the release party hat on!

It’s been a year since my latest release. Back then, me and a couple of Plonk fellows did some remixes of ‘Electro Life’. That was the first time ever someone else went berserk on a track of mine. And I assure you – that feeling when you first get to hear the results is nothing but heartwarming and downright super-exciting! Many thanks to Sector One and Maschine Brennt! Awesome work!

It’s all about labor of love. On 29APR, I will release ‘Interaktion’, an EP containing four tracks. They are all (sort of!) on an ‘interaction’ theme, although I wouldn’t say it’s some sort of concept album. (Of course it isn’t since it’s an EP!). I have just directed my thoughts towards the many ways people interact.

For instance, the track ‘Elements’ is about a future where we actually use technology in a way that allows us to live in a world without greed, hunger, jealousy or gluttony. The ‘robots’ mentioned are supposed to be a metaphor for doing meaningful things with the time we have.

Surely I hope for a few online sales but feel free to check out the ‘Elements’ video for free! For those who fancy it, the EP will be available on all major (digital) online stores on the beforementioned date.


The elements – humans, robots and machines.

By the way, why spell ‘Interaktion’ with a ‘k’? Because this time I felt even more expressive using the German language on a couple of tracks. And I guess you all know about my faiblesse for that Düsseldorf quartet…

When I post this, the EP might already be published at Bandcamp, a few hours early.

Now, time to get working on the next project. I am happy to say, this time it won’t take a year!

Airtime galore!

It’s really cookin’! Airtime, remix requests, upcoming albums – wouldn’t have guessed that a year ago.

The PLONK semi-label, as well as our Machine Pop genre, is really creating a buzz. And Unisonlab gets more and more plays on different stations. For example, check out for my ‘Rhytmus’ remix for DATAPOP.

I’ve just finished a remix for Kretz, who is one of the big brains behind the PLONK collaboration. Actually, he met Rusty Egan in London the other night – we are all eager to hear what that might lead to.

If all goes well, I will release a remix album of my own on June 26 so stay tuned!

A year with PLONK

Almost a year has passed since I joined the ‘Machine Pop’ community ‘PLONK’. I have moved from just fooling around to actually produce some music. Together with brilliant acts such as Kretz, Deutsche Bank, Sector One, DATAPOP, Maschine Brennt, Elektroklänge and Tobitron, I have made quite a progress. I still do what I think feels right, but now I can rely on accurate feedback and help from my fellow Plonkers.


And to anyone out there who enjoys the sound of vocoders, thips and bleeps – keep following unisonlab and PLONK. The Machine Pop era has just begun.

Check out unisonlab on Facebook and visit